Together on Green Initiatives:
Det Grønne Værksteds Fight Against
the Throwaway Culture
Det Grønne Værksteds fight against the throwaway culture is an ongoing challenge that they have been addressing since October 2019. During this period, a group of men aged 60 and older have made efforts to repair and repurpose discarded items that would otherwise have ended up at the recycling center.
This effort is a direct response to the growing problem of overconsumption and waste, where good items are thrown away instead of being repaired. They face the challenges of changing an ingrained culture and upgrading their physical workshop facilities to handle more complicated repair tasks.

The efforts at "Det Grønne Værksted" demonstrate a deep understanding of the importance of community and sustainability. The staff at the workshop prioritize social interaction and collaboration, which strengthens their shared mission to promote green solutions.
They recognize that to achieve a true environmental impact, it is necessary not only to repair items but also to build a community that values and supports sustainable habits. This clear purpose of acting with a green mindset underscores their understanding that sustainable initiatives require both individual and collective effort.
In response to both the physical and cultural challenges, Det Grønne Værksted has expanded their physical space and optimized their facilities to better handle various repair projects. This includes the installation of Fog & Venø panels to improve the functionality of their raw space.
These changes allow more men to participate and work on more and larger projects every Thursday. By expanding their capacity and improving the facilities, they ensure that they can continue to carry out their green mission while also attracting new members who share their vision of a more sustainable future.

”The most important thing for the green men is to work together and enjoy the social interaction. At the same time, they have a clear purpose for their efforts - to act with a green mindset.”
- Leif Steimle, Det Grønne Værksted