Discover our extensive product range at FOG & VENØ A/S! On this page, you find a convenient overview of our various products. Please note that some of our products are available in different lengths, and they therefore have multiple item numbers. The item numbers follow the same order as the length variations described within each product category. This makes it easy for you to find the exact product that suits your needs. Let us assist you in finding the right solution!
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FR-Felt Acoustic Panel (EN13823 / B-s2,d0 – ASTM E84 / Class A)
Slat width 27 mm, panel size: 97.64 X 23.62 X 0.83 in – 118.11 X 23.62 X 0.83 in.
FR-Felt Acoustic Panel (EN13823 / B-s1,d0)
Slat width 31 mm, panel size: 97.64 X 23.62 X 0.83 in – 118.11 X 23.62 X 0.83 in.
FR-Felt Acoustic Panel (EN13823 / B-s1,d0 – ASTM E84 / Class A)
Slat width 40 mm, panel size: 97.64 X 23.62 X 0.83 in – 118.11 X 23.62 X 0.83 in.
FR-Fiberboard Acoustic Panel EN 13823 / B-s1,d0
94.49 X 23.62 X 0.79 in.
118.11 X 23.62 X 0.79 in.
94.49 X 23.62 X 0.79 in.
118.11 X 23.62 X 0.79 in.
Wood Panels
94.49 X 23,62 X 0.79 in.
106.30 X 23,62 X 0.79 in.
118.11 X 23,62 X 0.79 in.
141.73 X 23,62 X 0.79 in.
23.62 x 23.62 x 0.79 in. (2pack)
47.17 x 23.62 x 0.79 in.
Design Panels
94.49 X 23.62 X 0.39 in.
Hexagon (3 pack)
6.05 X 10.48 X 0.35 in.
Rhombus (3 pack)
12.09 X 10.47 X 0.35 in.
23.62 x 23.62 x 0.79 in. (2 pack)
Finishing Slates:
94.49 x 1.06 x 0.75 in.
118.11 x 1.06 x 0.75 in.
94.49 x 2.44 x 0.75 in.
118.11 x 2.44 x 0.75 in.
0.35 x 4.21 x 4.21 in
0.35 x 4.21 x 7.36 in
0.35 x 4.21 x 10.51 in
0.35 x 7.36 x 4.21 in
0.35 x 10.51 x 4.21 in